My Software Engineering Journey

Trials and Tribulations of the aspiring programmer/developer

setState() - Why and How it's used in React.js

Before we get into to setState(), we first need to get a basic understanding of what state, components, react, and javascript are..

React & Redux Project Reflection: AMS Gem + 1 Reducer VS. combineReducer()

A new beginning is in sight, the final module of the SE bootcamp has come to an end. From learning what an IDE is and how to download my own local environment so I can do the labs to learning Ruby, SQL, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Redux and building things like CLI’s, API’s, static user auth apps, and dynamic apps.. what a journey!

Rails API and JS

Today we’ll be covering how fetch is used, the API set up on the back end, and getting objects to display on the front end.

Rails Project Reflection

More to come after the project review

Sinatra App

You think all you need to worry about it code, huh?