My Software Engineering Journey

Trials and Tribulations of the aspiring programmer/developer

First Portfolio Project (Ruby CLI Gem - Stocks)

We are coming to the end of project week, submits are due at midnight, and what a week it has been.

Reflecting On My First Project: Ruby Gem CLI With API

Leading up to my first portfolio project at Flatiron, I felt a bit overwhelmed to be honest. The tasks seemed daunting from the sound of it. Multiple files, the dependencies, library and bin, gemspec, etc. Getting all of these up and running from scratch… I thought to myself where do I start? How I am ever going to create this from a blank slate, at least give me the base files to work with… What about API’s, which one do I use!?!?!?

Looping vs. Iterating

Loops and iterators may give you the same result, but iterators are cleaner and require less code. With loops, you must be weary of the dreaded infinite loop that breaks your program. Your code may look correct, but if you forget to include the subtle and key line of syntax, a termination condition, then a fatal mistake has been made pulling you into an infite loop. Not to mention the extra lines of code required when writing loops versus that of an interator.

Why did you decide to study Software Engineering?

The number one reason I decided to get into software engineering was to get into a better career.